Monday, April 13, 2015

4/13/15 - Problems but the view is beautiful

Yo yo tompko!!! Elder Mack ihany ity!!!

Shout out to my "bogosy" Father of mine, Superman! Happy Birthday Dad! 45 aint dat old... :p nah nah love you!
Hey y'all!  How's everything going?  I'm just here, loving Andranomanelatra, preaching the gospel, you know, the one that will give us eternal life? :p  Anyways, it was kind of a poopy week BUT "Mbolo misy zavatra mahafinaritra be" (there's still some awesome things that happened).  I'll start with the word of week first. :p
This weeks word is "sinoa" (shhh-new).  Super fun word.  We say this word all the time.  It means "asian" :p  I'm mainly saying this because Elder Liao is next to me right now.  Little kids always try to speak in English to us but they are so bad.  We joke around with them saying, "Amin ny teny sinoa ianao" (You're good at speaking asian).  haha
So, this week! We kind of had a lot of problems but we still had fun.  First of all, everyone was like on vacation or something because no one was home.  It was ridiculous...  Second problem, on Friday we had car problems.  We were going to drive all the way to work in Saradroa.  It is a 40 minute drive but our car was being dumb so we took it to the shop and it wasn't finished till about 4:00pm.  We missed all of our times on Friday.  We didn't have any other plans so we decided to still go to the Saradroa church building to discuss things with the branch president.  Saradroa is way cool!  We don't usually take this hike unless we have a meeting or a baptism.  The church is about a 30 minute hike after the 40 minute drive. The car can't make it all the way to the church so we need to hike part of the way.  We have to hike over two mountains to get there.  The view is beautiful!  We didn't have any time for lessons but we got a gorgeous hike and got some important business done.  So yay! 
Hey - I heard that one of my old Hawaii friends got baptized recently!  Just a shout out to him! Congrats Robert! 
Man, it's so cool seeing the conversion process of others.  One of our recent convert families has quite the story.  Olga, Felana, and Clara are incredible.  They have dealt with a lot of problems in their lives.  They moved here all the way from Fort Dauphin.  Their father left them and they didn't have much of anything.  They have gone to a few churches and have not liked them. Then two missionaries came to their door and they felt something they haven't felt with the other churches.  They got baptized!  They're awesome!  I feel so blessed to be able to see this change in people here in Mada!  Y'all be jealous!  That's the best thing in the world!  :p nah nah nah  Don't mean to be braggin'!  haha
Well, I think I'll stop here today!  Have a great week guys!  Bisous bisous!

-Elder Mack

The house!

My baby

This is where we have sacrament meeting

Imagine me on the beach but the sand is not sand, it's rice.  Haha!

My favorite little ones!

Me and Elder Gariki harvesting rice!  "Namboly ny vary izahay."

Malagasies carry everything on top of their head except for their children :p
I got a painting done of the Laie temple!! Woot woot!

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